The next two fields are the file's owner and the owner's primary group. 接下来两个字段分别为文件的所有者和所有者的主组。
For example, if you select files to verify authority attributes, the GUI mines the owner, primary group, etc attributes for each file you selected. 例如,如果您选择文件以验证权限属性,GUI会挖掘您选择的每个文件的所有者、主组等属性。
The reason for this is that once the group GID changes all users which had this group as a primary group need to have their primary group updated, even if these users are not changing their UID. 原因是一旦GID组改变,所有将该组作为主要组的用户都需要将主要组更新,即使这些用户未改变UID。
The user also has a primary group with a GID of402 ( testgroup) and is also a member of GID1 ( staff). 用户有一个GID为402的主要组(testgroup),而且是GID1(staff)的成员。
For each user that you noted in Step 2, run the following command to fix their primary group. 对于步骤2中的所有表,运行以下的命令修复其主要组。
Primary group UUID: The UUID of the group to which this principal primarily belongs in the same cell. 主要组UUID:同一单元中此主体主要属于的组的UUID。
The fourth column contains the numeric id for the user's primary group. 第四列是用户的主组的ID。
On UNIX, since access is managed at the group level, this means that the OAM gives access to the primary group for the user ID. 在UNIX上,由于访问权限是在组级别上管理的,这意味着OAM为用户ID提供访问主要组的权限。
Typically and by default, the group owner of a file that you create is your primary group, but you can subsequently change the group owner to any of the groups that you belong to. 在通常情况以及缺省情况下,您所创建的文件的组所有者为您的主要组,但是您可以将组所有者更改为您所属的任何组。
This command shows that there is one user ( brian) on the system with testgroup as their primary group. 此命令显示系统中有一个用户(brian)将testgroup作为主要组。
Just as every user has an id and is a member of one primary group, so every file on a Linux system has one owner and one group associated with it. 如果每个用户都有id并且是主要组的成员,那么Linux系统上的每个文件都有一个所有者和与其相关的组。
Note: In this example, you need to use the chuser command for each user who has security as his primary group. 注意:在本例中,需要对每个将security作为其主组的用户使用chuser命令。
Finally, the group memberships are set with the primary group being staff ( which is the AIX default). 最后,设置组成员,即主组为staff(这是AIX的默认设置)。
In this particular example, user ian 's.bashrc file is owned by him and is in the ian group, which is his primary group. 在这个特殊的例子中,用户ian的.bashrc文件由他自己所有,并且属于ian的主要组。
On UNIX, there is a suboption to specify groupAccess, which gives access to all users in the primary group of the user that created the cache. 在UNIX上,有一个指定groupAccess的子选项,它允许创建这个缓存的用户的主组中的所有用户访问这个缓存。
Note that the output shows that six users need to have their primary group changed after the GID changes for the app_group group. 请注意,输出结果显示,有六个用户需要在appgroup组的GID改变后改变其主要组。
Note that there might not be any users with the group as their primary group, or there might be multiple users. 注意,可能没有一个用户将其作为主要组,或者可能有多个用户。
This warning applies to any users that have this group as their primary group. 此警告适用于所有将组作为主要组的用户。
Each user on the system has a primary group defined in the/ etc/ passwd file. 系统中的每个用户都有一个在/etc/passwd文件中定义的主要组。
Because security is bduda's primary group, this group will be assigned to any files bduda creates. 由于security是bduda的主组,因此由bduba创建的文件都将属于这个组。
Root user must be a member of the user's primary group ( idsldap). Root用户必须是该用户的主要组(idsldap)的成员。
On Linux and UNIX platforms, a NULL value defaults to the primary group of the instance owner, which by default after an installation only contains the user ID of the instance owner. 在Linux和UNIX平台上,NULL值被缺省地赋给实例所有者的主组,完成安装后,缺省情况下这个组只包含用户ID和实例所有者。
Have their primary group set to idsldap. 将其主要组设置为idsldap。
I have seen a number of cases in which the – p option was used on UNIX platforms and the primary group of the account changed over time. 我见过许多在UNIX平台上使用–p选项的情况,并且帐户的主要分组会随时间变化。
By now, you know that Linux is a multiuser system and that each user belongs to one primary group and possibly additional groups. 现在,您了解了Linux是一个多用户的系统,每个用户属于一个主要组,也可能是附加组。
Sets the primary group for the security descriptor associated with this. 对象关联的安全说明符的主要组。
Cannot change the primary group ID of a domain controller account. 不能改变域控制器帐户的主要组ID。
Cannot remove user from primary group. 无法从主控组中删除用户。